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The Central Spacing Agency

Exist in a world without limitations.  Explore a cosmos as vast as the universe itself through the power of sequential dream iterations.  With an all new biophysical engine to propel yourself through the depths of space, you may enter into an agreement with the forces of nature as you strive to obtain yet greater heights.  By turning organic matter into energy we are able to fuel ourselves in this endeavor while seeking out new truths to explore.  Experience the power of probability and the chaos of randomness as you split yourself between bifurcating streams of information generation.  One simply has to perform some simple debugging and then this software is theirs to command.  And what makes this even better is that this large quantity of Java Code can be made even more valuable in a number of ways.  You can and should make changes.  It could be worthwhile to add and/or delete some things.  The path you choose is up to you and the future is waiting for one to take hold of it and seize the opportunity to push humanity forward into the cosmos.  It is all here at the Central Spacing Agency, for Central Space is everywhere you look for it!

This program contains over ten thousand lines of code for one to debug and edit.  The completed product allows one to travel through the depths of cyber space in search for answers to biomedical mysteries.

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