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Saturday, July 2, 2022

Ragtime Software Studio


Spacing Central Agency


Central Spacing Agency



 There is a game to be played.  The code has already been written, however it could be made better, which means it could use some editing.  You can do this for me, for there is a great deal of code to be edited.  There are also a number of ways in which it could be edited.  The amount of value that could in fact be added would seem to be astronomical.  However, I have decided that you must pass a test beyond being able to deal with a Java file that I could share with you (for a price).  You must either fix two major bugs, or fix many minor bugs.  Once this is accomplished you may move on to the process of editing code to increase the program's overall value.  The final product is yours to command, and yet you will get nowhere trying to move the program I share with you.  There are two programs available and they contain the same overall process, however one is much longer than the other.  I wish you luck with the Central Spacing Agency, because I have already got my copies.

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